Goodbye Facebook. Hello, Pixistock Social™

Hey Pixies.

Whew! You made it. Welcome to Pixistock’s new exclusive member community where you can focus on the building and DO-ing: distraction and ‘cat-video’-FREE.

Pixistock Social™ 👯‍♀️

We’re making the big leap from our Facebook group (set to close soon – date TBD) into this here: our very own social-support, community space. 💫

With thousands of entrepreneurs who’ve experienced our products, it’s high time we had a place that truly reflects all of our collective energy and ambition. Am I right?

Here’s your first step:

Head over to the “Your First Steps” section (left side menu). Dive into the Community Onboarding course.

I promise it’s loaded with surprises that you wouldn’t want to miss that’ll make you want to get started asap. This new platform is more than just a change of scene; it’s where insightful discussion and creative magic will happen.

With special areas for every Pixistock product you love, this community is inspired by YOU. Whether you’re navigating through our planners or soaking up wisdom from our masterclasses, we’ve got you covered. Get ready to be rewarded for your engagement and creativity with our exciting new points system!

Are you as excited as I am to connect? Let’s kickstart this adventure and create some unforgettable moments! 🚀💡


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  1. I love this new set up Alicia! You have out done yourself again!! I always look forward to the things you provide because they are always top notch! Thank you for all that you do for your community!

  2. I love this Alicia. The fact that you gamified it is just what my little board gaming loving, competitive streak self needed. Now to remember self-care too and go hit those pillows. Thank you for all you and your team do for us!

  3. 😍
    I am in the middle of maternity leave and was thinking about going through your Content CEO again to replan some business and content ideas. Loving everything you are doing and it’s inspiring!

  4. Wheeew weeee! Oh Happy Day hahaha not to be dramatic but I had been wishing for a while that the community was off of FB. The timing couldn’t be better either as I just deleted my FB account last month. #WontHeDoIt