My First Login

10 Points

Awarded for logging into the Pixistock Social community for the first time.

300 Points

Awarded when you receive 300 points. Stellar activity!

Community Favorite

Awarded for receiving frequent favorites on your discussion topics or posts or making new connections.

Inspired Action

30 Points

Awarded when you receive 20+ replies on your group post or discussion topic.

Reply Royalty

Awarded to members who have replied 50+ times across discussions and group posts.

Conversation Catalyst

20 Points

Awarded after initiating 20+ discussion topics in any forum under "Discussions" or in member groups.

First Win Fabulous

Awarded for sharing your first #win in the "Share Your Wins" discussion.

Community Pioneer

50 Points

Recognizes the FIRST 100 community members initiate discussions in forums or post in groups.

Social Regular

Awarded for visiting the community at least 20 times in 30 days.

Social Show Up

Awarded for visiting the community at least 5 times in 7 days.

1500 Points

Awarded when you receive 1,500 points + PixiSpotlight.